Sunday, August 12, 2007,12:41 AM
some pictures i took with my phone ..
pictures of random stuff and the hotel,
o and my father got the new car yesterday!

above: picture of trishaw thing taken in sepia mode. OLD SINGAPORE! O:

above: the view from the balcony of the hotel room down

above: another view from the balcony of the hotel room down

above: YET another view from the balcony of the hotel room down

above: on the sign of a janitor's closet in raffles plaza. Hmm, rude eh?

above: picture of leaves i took in hwachong. (: placed the cam of my phone on the ground

above: on a nice dark gloomy morning in HCI...

above: the TALL hotel i stayed in, Raffles The Plaza (:

above: cool effect, taken with phone, NO EDITTING AT ALL (:

above: some giant bowl of giant udon i took at j8 a LONG time ago

above: i was bored, so i took this, just placed the camera near a grass blade.

above: check out the hotel table area (:

above: and check out the beds (:

above: now the toilet.. ok, thats me in the mirror (: lol bad photo taking.

above: the room number, nice glass with the number

above: a picture of a spoon i bent, found on my phone

colored the spoon purple (:

above: I accidentally broke it

above: check out a tiny portion of the crowd at the track and field meet!
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Just for the attention
There have been :
Desperate For Attention
You wish you knew me better
When I say "Shotgun"
Friends click.
Blogskinners click.
You're pulling the trigger
XX -- XX