Saturday, June 13, 2009,2:25 PM
Wow, that's gawesome!
The folks over at gawesome are, awesome :O
Yes, ok now to get to the point. is a place for you to get affordable webhosting and domain-ing.
This is not an advertisement, but a review.
A plan of theirs can start at just 3 pounds. or about, uh, let's see *math face*, 7-9 singapore dollars?
Yes, thats good, for a year.
Furthermore, you can purcahse add-ons like an extra domain for just 0.50 pounds, uh, 1-2 sing dollars.
Extra space costs just 2-3 singapore dollars and many more.
Like woah,
From what I've seen and experienced, they have fast support and they do like their 'customers'
Head on down to gawesome, lah.
Gawesome also offers free subdomains lah, cool.
AND the choice to adopt a domain, which is to well, adopt a domain for free. yes.
chuck your adopted dog, and go for a domain instead.
so yes, gawesome.
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Thursday, June 4, 2009,5:53 PM
Blame It On The Alcohol.
So it's been a long time since I have been here.
Let's see.
I have been trying to learn chemistry, and relax.
And i found this series of 7 videos extremely, I repeat, extremely, amusing.
Warning : Load all the videos before watching.
Go on, do it now.
While you are waiting, why not take a look at my twitter.
Check it out.

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Just for the attention
There have been :
Desperate For Attention
You wish you knew me better
When I say "Shotgun"
Friends click.
Blogskinners click.
You're pulling the trigger
XX -- XX